Study Tips to Help Avoid a Midterm Meltdown

That dreaded time is rolling around: midterms. A time in the semester for taking major tests, submitting big projects and all of the anxiety and stress that comes with it. Here are some tips and tricks to help you make it through midterm season without crying in the library while you pull an all-nighter.

1. Schedule Your Time Wisely

Make a plan and stick to it. Taking a little time out of your day to schedule how much you need to study before your big test or how long you need to work on a project will benefit you in the long run. Not only will you worry less about when you are going to accomplish everything, you’ll also be able to figure out how much you need to each day to reach your goal.

2. Don’t Over Study

Studies show that spacing out your study time over the week and devoting a short amount of time each day for your classes helps the overall effectiveness of your study sessions (Newport 2006). This goes hand in hand with managing and scheduling your time wisely. Sticking to a schedule on a regular basis will form a new habit and make accomplishing your studying goals easier in the future!

3. Use a Study Method that Works for You

If your study methods are resulting in subpar results, switch it up. There are a variety of science-backed methods for studying that have been shown to be highly effective in retaining information. Some of the more popular methods include the SQ3R method, the Feynman technique and Mind Mapping. To learn more about different study methods visit the University of St. Augustine’s post here. 

4. Get Rid of Distractions

Put your phone on silent and throw it across the room (don’t actually throw it). Eliminating distractions from your workspace can help you focus. There is a wide array of apps and online resources like Pomofocus (which uses the Pomodoro technique of 25 minutes of focus with 5-minute breaks in between) that can help you focus your time and structure your breaks. 

5. Form a Study Group

Having friends or brothers in your classes can be a huge benefit. Forming a study group can keep you accountable for your academics while also promoting a better understanding of the subjects you’re studying. Study groups are great because whenever you have questions about materials or the class schedule, you can just ask your friends instead of going straight to the professor.  

“10 Effective Study Techniques to Try This Year – USA for Health Sciences.” University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences, 23 Mar. 2021, 

Admin. “10 Reasons Why You Should Form A Study Group.” Florida National University, 26 Aug. 2019, 

Newport, C. (2006). How to become a straight-a student: the unconventional strategies real college students use to score high while studying less. Three Rivers Press.