All in the Phi Psi Family
Phi Psi Family Member Donald Moore supports the future of fraternities
Launched in 2016, the Phi Psi Family is a network of members and non-members alike who are passionate about student growth. Now with 293 members, the Phi Psi family is made up of men and women across the country that serve the Fraternity through the shared passion of higher education. Through the programming offered by the Fraternity, undergraduates have unique opportunities to learn leadership skills and become prepared for a successful post-graduate life.
Members of the Phi Psi Family contribute to the success of the Fraternity’s award-winning programs by facilitating sessions and breakouts and writing leadership curriculum. These volunteers also contribute by writing guest articles in The Shield, and offer support to chapters and colonies through advising.
Phi Kappa Psi is extremely grateful to bring together a group of demographically diverse but like-minded individuals who believe in the positive power of Greek organizations.
One member in particular has shown an upstanding commitment to Phi Kappa Psi through his participation in leadership programs and his dedication to advising at Rutgers University.
A New Jersey Native, Donald Moore grew up in Pleasantville (New Jersey) before moving to New Brunswick to start his collegiate career at Rutgers University. As an involved member of Alpha Phi Alpha, Moore was a well-known leader on campus. As a student and peer, he found his niche in student affairs, which broadened his ability to make connections in his undergraduate years. Though Moore originally intended to study law after graduating in 2008 with a degree in Criminal Justice and Psychology, he desired to have a career doing something that he loved, and moved on to pursue his Master’s degree in Student Affairs at Bowling Green State University.
“During my college years, I was very involved on campus and ultimately, I realized that being in this line of work would allow me to actually enjoy what I do for a living and give me a chance to give back,” Moore says. “It has been very mutually-beneficial because I get to learn from my students every day.”
After finishing his Master’s and working at Penn State University as a Drug and Alcohol Counselor, Moore returned to his alma mater in 2015 as the Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs.
Moore served as a facilitator at the 2017 Woodrow Wilson Leadership School on the campus of Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana.
With over 85 fraternal organizations, Rutgers recognizes chapters who fall under one of these four umbrella organizations: The Interfraternity Council (IFC), the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), the Panhellenic Association (PA), and the Professional Fraternity Association. Moore is one of four advisors who oversees chapters from all four of these categories and he is responsible for working with chapter officers to plan events and facilitate training.
As an academic probation monitor, Donald also works with students one-on-one who are struggling academically. Though the main function of this support role is to set students up with immediate resources like peer tutoring, Moore uses his time to also get to know the students on a personal level.
“When someone gets placed on academic probation, there is a usually a root cause that is ultimately responsible for negatively affecting their school work,” he said.
As an advisor for traditional fraternities, professional fraternities, and historically multi-cultural fraternities, Moore emphasizes the importance of opening the lines of communication between these groups to create a more inclusive and autonomous campus.
“Getting students to recognize the different experiences that their peers have, whether it be socio-economic, gender/race specific or otherwise, it always helps to have a different perspective to encourage and facilitate change,” he said. “I want people to think differently.”
In addition to working with Phi Psis on campus, Moore joined the Phi Psi Family because it gives him an opportunity to better support them. “If I know the organization from a national standpoint, I am able to hold their members accountable in terms of what the Fraternity believes, and I can offer tailored support.”
Moore facilitated the Woodrow Wilson Leadership School in 2017 along with other Phi Psi Family members, where undergraduate officers are trained and archons for the upcoming biennium are elected. He also recently assisted the Fraternity in facilitating Regional Officer Training in West Chester (Pennsylvania), where he led undergraduate session topics spanning from Service and Philanthropy to Exploring Manhood and Identity.
To become a member of the Phi Psi Family, please visit or contact Senior Director of Member Development Kyle Hickman (Lycoming 07) at