Purdue University Pledge Class Work Polls

The Covid-19 pandemic created challenges for election boards across the country as they scrambled to find volunteers to work at the polls for the presidential electionTypically, these positions are staffed by people who are retired but the health risks to older Americans made this usually reliable labor pool reluctant to volunteer this election. 

Embodying The Great Joy of Serving Others, the brothers of Phi Kappa Psi stepped up to fill the need. The members of the Gamma Rho pledge class at Indiana Delta volunteered for a number of roles, both during early voting and on Election Day. Working with the Tippecanoe County Board of Elections and coordinated by pledge class Philanthropy Chair Sam Biznek20, these future Phi Psi’s worked at the voting center at Mackey Arena on both days. 

Purdue University Student“It’s inspiring to see such a vast array of different people all coming together to shape America. Everyone took time out of their day to influence the future and I appreciate that,” said pledge Jaden Bourne. “It was really nice to be able to help out the community and I was glad to see how many students at Purdue came out to vote,” added pledge Adam Daniels.  

According to Tippecanoe County Voting Center Supervisor, Barb Knochel, this year was the first time that Purdue University’s Mackey Arena was used as a voting location both for a day of early voting and on Election Day.  Processing more than 2,400 voters on those two days was a daunting task for the poll workers, especially with the added safety protocols.  We were so delighted that the pledge class of Phi Kappa Psi volunteered to help at the polls.  These young men were easy to work with, respectful and willing to perform anything requested of them,” said Knochel.  “The pledge brothers directed voters to voting machines, collected used voter access cards and disinfected voting equipment to help us maintain a safe environment.  Their assistance was so much appreciated by the voters and especially the poll workers.  What an amazing group of young men.”

Have you or your chapter taken part lately in The Great Joy of Serving Others? Email us at marketing@phikappapsi.com to share your accomplishment.