
Phi Kappa Psi is dedicated to addressing the impact of the coronavirus (Covid-19) on our collegiate chapters. We recognize that many of our university partners are canceling in-person classes, limiting large gatherings and taking other steps which effectively close their campuses. We encourage you to remain calm and informed as the situation continues to evolve. The health and well-being of our members is our top priority. We appreciate your support as together we face the impact of this illness on our brotherhood. We will continue to update this page as new information is available.

Support brothers in need
The Phi Kappa Psi Foundation has established a dedicated giving page that offers two ways to support students impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic through charitable giving:

  1. The Phi Psi Friendship Fund allows individuals to make gifts that will be pooled and then available to undergraduates and alumni with proven financial need as the result of Covid-19 related hardships. Grants are available in increments of $500 to $2,500.
  2. Chapter OneFunds allow alumni to make gifts to benefit a specific chapter. OneFunds are used to fund specific student hardships as well as support the growing financial hardships being experienced by the chapter.

Apply for an Assistance Grant
Assistance grants ranging from $500 to $2,500 will be available to undergraduates and alumni with proven financial need as the result of Covid-19 related hardships.

Assistance grant applications are due the first of each month and are available via the My Phi Psi Funds portal. If you’ve never been to the portal, you can click “Register” on the login page to create your account. You will see the application in the “Available Applications” section of the page.

For more information or questions, please contact


Experiencing The Great Joy of Serving Others has never been easier. Simply keep your social distance. As healthy members of society, our country’s most vulnerable members need you to stay home and not interact with anyone in a face-to-face setting. By heeding the experts and governmental officials’ pleas to stay home, you are protecting your older loved ones and people who have other health conditions that make them vulnerable. That is the very epitome of serving others!

Aiding those in Quarantine
Some of your neighbors or family may find themselves under quarantine. Consider volunteering to help them with grocery runs or picking up food and delivering it to their door. When doing this please make sure to coordinate with the family or individual first so you know what they need and as always, practice safe social distancing.

Donate blood to a local blood bank
Did you know that one pint of blood can save up to three lives? The Covid-19 pandemic has caused mobile blood centers to cancel their visits to local communities. Visit the Red Cross website to find a local blood donation center near you.

Support local businesses/find opportunities to donate
Many local restaurants are offering to-go meals, freezer meals, etc. Also, local schools and food banks need help or donations — these, of course, are subject to change. Remember that many of these service workers are working reduced hours and generally rely on tips from seated customers. If you are able, please tip generously.

Social distancing got you down? We’ve compiled a list of ways to stay connected through these unforeseen times.

FaceTime/Skype/Google hangouts
Social distancing doesn’t mean that you can’t see one another. Schedule time once a week to reach out to a group of friends via facetime or skype and catch up.

You can also use these mediums to set up study groups for an upcoming exam (just not for the actual exam!)

Play Video Games with brothers across the country
Thanks to Grant Pearce at RIT, we’ve set up a form and spreadsheet for members to provide their usernames and ID’s for different gaming systems. Find a brother somewhere in the U.S. and challenge them to a quick game.

Keep a journal
Who knows when something like this might happen again (hopefully never) but chronicling it in your own words could be cathartic and an interesting historical perspective in years to come.

Generate topical (friendly) online discussions
Are you reading an interesting Book? Watching an exciting  movie or tv series? Listening to an exhilarating podcast? Start a discussion topic online through Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or your very own WordPress site.

Create a group chat with brothers and neighbors
Regardless if it’s phone numbers, Facebook messenger, GroupMe, WhatsApp or other communication methods, this can be a great way to stay social with those in your chapter and neighbors close to you. Use these platforms to check in on one another, see how everyone is doing, and share important news updates. It’s not only that we communicate, but what we communicate, that matters.

No internet?
If your house or apartment doesn’t have internet but has students in K-12 or enrolled in college, internet companies, including Comcast and Spectrum, are offering free internet service. Visit their websites for more information.