Opportunities to engage in brotherhood
GAC kicks off with a President’s Reception where brothers gather to catch up and socialize with fellow members, honored guests, Executive Council, and headquarters staff.
GAC ends with a final banquet to celebrate a successful conference! Awards are given to individuals and chapters to highlight their accomplishments.
Conducting Business
Business at each GAC includes general sessions, committee sessions, and district meetings. Attending members conduct fraternity business and socialize with brothers from across their region and nation.
General sessions are just like chapter meetings – conducting new business, committee reports, voting on new Executive Council Alumni members, and much more.
Just like in a chapter, members attend committee meetings to collaborate with one another and brainstorm ways to progress our Fraternity. Committees will then reconvene and share their reports at a general session along with recommendations they may have for Headquarters staff.
District meetings are when groups (chapters and alumni associations) from each district assemble to discuss current updates from their group.
For non-members attending, guest programming is available with activities and events while members conduct Fraternity business.
A full schedule of this upcoming GAC will be provided soon, but above is the gist of what traditionally happens. Can’t wait to see you!