Joining a fraternity is not something to do while in college, it’s a lifetime commitment. Since its founding in 1852, Phi Kappa Psi initiated over 141,000 men into the brotherhood. Today, there are over 90,000 living alumni and 5,000 undergraduate members. You too can experience our strong bond when you join Phi Kappa Psi. Find a chapter near you or inquire about starting one on your campus today.

Not only is joining Phi Kappa Psi a lifetime commitment, so is living up to its core values. Every brother is expected to maintain academic excellence throughout their studies, provide service to the community, have a high level of personal integrity, continue to have respect for the dignity and well-being for other and showcase the brotherhood of Phi Psi wherever your path may take you.

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Joining a fraternity is a membership that lasts beyond your collegiate career. From the time you accept your bid, brothers from around the world are there to help and support you.

Talk with the recruitment chair on your campus, attend recruitment events and get to know the guys you may soon call your brothers! Once you are offered a bid, you can accept or decline beginning the new member process.

Once a man has decided that he would like to join Phi Kappa Psi, and the members of the local feel that he embodies the characteristics of a member of the fraternity, they can offer him a formal invitation to join – also known as a bid.

The new member process is an immersive experience where you will learn about the history of Phi Kappa Psi on the national and local level, leadership opportunities in the organization and required educational programming.

Individual dues vary by chapter. Speak with the recruitment chair on your campus about specific dues related to that chapter.

It depends on how much you want to be involved with your chapter or the fraternity on a national level. Generally, you can expect a minimum commitment of 3-4 hours a week for fraternity business. If you take on leadership roles, depending on which role you take, the time commitment could be greater.

Absolutely! You can be in a leadership role in your chapter by being the chapter president, vice-president, or another officer, or by serving as a committee chair. Want something bigger? Undergraduate brothers can hold a seat on the Executive Council by running for an Archon position, the highest level of leadership you can participate in as an undergraduate.

The Phi Kappa Psi Foundation awards scholarships on the National and District level. Individual chapters can also offer scholarships as well. Click here to learn more about scholarship opportunities on the Phi Kappa Psi Foundation’s website.

It depends on the chapter and the policies in place. Consult with the chapter leadership to find out the costs associated with living in the facility, what year you can move into the house and other questions you may have. Living in a fraternity house while in school can be one of the most rewarding opportunities you have during your fraternity experience as you are able to learn and grow with your fellow brothers under one roof.

No! Even as a junior or senior, you will still have the fraternity experience, enroll in leadership programs, sit on committees and take advantage of many other opportunities available exclusively to Phi Psis.

Phi Kappa Psi understands the importance of your academics just as much as you do. On average, men in fraternities have higher GPAs than those not in Greek life. Chapters are expected to have an academic support plan which includes policies for study hours, working with professors and assistance from your brothers. Talk with the recruitment chair on your campus about the chapter’s academic support plan.

Phi Kappa Psi and the North American Interfraternity Conference have been working diligently over the past several years to address the issues that fraternities have been facing. This includes ensuring we recruit and retain members live up to our core values and educating our brothers on critical topics such as alcohol and substance drug abuse, sexual assault and hazing.  

Phi Kappa Psi condemns hazing in any form. There is no place for hazing or discrimination of any kind in our fraternity. Phi Kappa Psi members are educated on the dangers and negative effects of hazing throughout their undergraduate experience. If you witness or experience hazing, please call the National Anti-Hazing Hotline at 1-888-NOT-HAZE.