Phi Psi Story2018-01-19T21:31:44-05:00

Phi Psi Story

National Hazing Prevention Week

Enough is Enough. Phi Kappa Psi is proud to support and recognize National Hazing Prevention Week. From September 20-24, 2021, HazingPrevention.org will host virtual presentations featuring an array of speakers that touch on the importance of hazing education, [...]

Looking Past Pride Month

Looking Past Pride Month June 1 marks the beginning of Pride Month in the US and throughout the world. Celebrations and marches are held to pay respect to those who fought for gay rights and to look towards [...]

District Council Meetings Announced

2021 District Council Meetings In February of 2021, the Executive Council postponed District Council Meetings due to the uncertainty of the pandemic and its impact on the health and well being of college age students and their loved [...]

Tobias Gurl

Tobias Gurl Beloit '12  I was, as far as I know, the first trans male member of Phi Psi and one of the first trans men in the country to join a men's-only fraternity. Phi Psi's current website [...]

Career Hunting: Don’t Camouflage Yourself

Career Hunting: Don't Camouflage Yourself As the flowers are blooming, weather is getting warmer and college campuses are becoming bare, some are celebrating one of life’s biggest accomplishments: graduating from college. Across the nation, seniors will drape on graduation [...]

2020 Year in Review

2020 Phi Kappa Psi Year in Review 2020 was an....interesting year to say the least. What began as any normal year was quickly upended by a global pandemic. People rushed to buy toilet paper, began baking sourdough and [...]

Phi Kappa Psi Pausing New Member Activities

A Letter From SWGP David Moyer Over the past couple of weeks, we have watched with the deepest sense of sadness and disgust two fraternity hazing deaths and three university sports hazing arrests. While these events did not [...]

Estes Benson

Estes Benson John Goding Rhode Island ’75 It’s funny how some memories fade over time and others are as clear as if they happened yesterday. It has been over 40 years, but there are memories from my days [...]

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