Phi Psi Story2018-01-19T21:31:44-05:00

Phi Psi Story

Phi Kappa Psi Announces New Service Immersion Trips Program

Phi Kappa Psi Announces New Service Immersion Trips Program Indianapolis (July 25, 2018) - Phi Kappa Psi is pleased to announce an opportunity to support our new philanthropic focus on addressing poverty. The Fraternity will be [...]

Phi Kappa Psi receives Laurel Wreath Award

Phi Kappa Psi receives Laurel Wreath Award Indianapolis (May 31, 2018) – The leadership of Phi Kappa Psi is pleased to announce that the inaugural Professional Development Conference has been awarded a Laurel Wreath Award. Laurel Wreath Awards [...]

Phi Kappa Psi Statement Regarding Texas State University Death

Phi Kappa Psi Statement Regarding Texas State University Death Phi Kappa Psi Statement Regarding Texas State University Death Indianapolis, Nov. 14, 2017 - "We are heartbroken by the death of Texas State University student and Phi Kappa Psi new [...]

Phi Kappa Psi Announces Professional Development Conference

Phi Kappa Psi Announces Professional Development Conference Indianapolis (August 31, 2017) - Phi Kappa Psi is pleased to announce the inaugural Professional Development Conference (PDC), a unique opportunity to ensure our members receive the most relevant programming to [...]

Phi Kappa Psi Participates in Suicide Prevention Week

Phi Kappa Psi Participates in Suicide Prevention Week Indianapolis (August 24, 2017) - Phi Kappa Psi is partnering with Take 5 to Save Lives to fight suicide on college campuses across the nation. This is part of the [...]

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