Phi Psi Story2018-01-19T21:31:44-05:00

Phi Psi Story

Phi Kappa Psi Elects New Archons

Phi Kappa Psi Elects New Archons Indianapolis, July 30, 2017 - On June 24, 2017, the six District Councils of Phi Kappa Psi elected new Archons to the Executive Council. Since 1886, the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity has been [...]

Phi Kappa Psi Wins Laurel Wreath Award

Phi Kappa Psi Wins Laurel Wreath Award Indianapolis, June 14, 2017 - The Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity announces receipt of the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) 2017 Laurel Wreath Award Phi Kappa Psi's ELEVATE health & wellness program [...]

Hazing Statement from SWGP Jim Boyle

Hazing Statement from SWGP Jim Boyle Brothers, Over the last few weeks, I have heard from many members as well as read many comments on social media regarding the pain and outrage resultant from the incident involving the [...]

Phi Kappa Psi Announces the Suspension of Its Creighton Chapter

Phi Kappa Psi Announces the Suspension of Its Creighton Chapter Indianapolis, March 21, 2017 - The Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity announces the suspension of the Nebraska Beta Chapter (Creighton) based upon a collaborative discussion and agreement with Creighton and the alumni [...]

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