Phi Psi Story2018-01-19T21:31:44-05:00

Phi Psi Story

Brothers Find Second Family

BROTHERS FIND A SECOND FAMILY By Amy Lynch Austin Claiborne UC Riverside ’13 and Adrian Claiborne Jr. UC Berkeley ’21 aren’t just brothers in Phi Kappa Psi. They’re also brothers by blood.Born and raised in Riverside, California, the Claibornes found [...]

Pinehurst: A Growing Phenomenon

PINEHURST: A GROWING PHENOMENON By Steve Arters West Virginia ’77 What if I told you what began in 2014 as a casual golf outing among brothers from West Virginia Alpha has grown to one of the largest Phi Psi events [...]

A Shared Vision for Safer Communities

A SHARED VISION FOR SAFER COMMUNITIES At the 81st Grand Arch Council this past summer, Hunter’s Fund was selected as Phi Kappa Psi’s official national philanthropy. But let’s start from the beginning…It all started with a vibrant and passionate young [...]

Getting the Story Right

BROTHERS AND SPORTS GETTING THE STORY RIGHT By Amy Lynch Fish As a television producer, director, writer, and reporter, Jon Fish Michigan ’92, has made a career out of chronicling people’s lives in a compelling way. “When [...]

Team Phi Psi

TEAM PHI PSI By HQ Staff One has but to scroll through social media to find Phi Psis involved in a wide range of sports. We have professional athletes and Olympic champions in our ranks, right along with collegiate [...]

Ransom Notes

TEAMWORK AND STRUCTURE By Ron Ransom Butler '00 Ransom Heavy raindrops fall from the sky on a crisp Saturday morning. A wide-eyed, slender 7-year-old boy stands on the sideline of a dampening field. His helmet sits snugly on his [...]

President’s Message

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE EMBODY THE SPIRIT OF UNITY By Marc Dumas DePaul '93 Dumas Today’s college students live in a world shaped by these events, yet many know them only from history books or fleeting social media posts. [...]

Director of Development

Director of Development BASIC FUNCTION:The Director of Development plays an essential role on the development team. This full-time position is responsible for the in-person cultivation and solicitation of major gift prospects, emphasizing managing and securing donations of $10,000 or more [...]

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