Phi Psi Story2018-01-19T21:31:44-05:00

Phi Psi Story

Chapter News – District II

CHAPTER NEWS – DISTRICT II 15 CHAPTERS | 1 COLONY THE SHIELD - HOME Maryland Alpha - Johns Hopkins Submitted By: Benjamin Miller ’22 Maryland Alpha hosted a successful Alumni Weekend, reuniting brothers [...]

Chapter News – District I

CHAPTER NEWS – DISTRICT I 13 CHAPTERS | 1 COLONY THE SHIELD - HOME Delaware Alpha - Delaware Submitted By: Robert Blake ’23 The brothers of the Delaware Alpha Chapter enjoyed a well-needed spring [...]

A Mentoring Manager Who Made Things Happen

A MENTORING MANAGER WHO MADE THINGS HAPPEN HONORING BROTHER PAUL WINEMAN WASHINGTON '55 By HQ Staff Wineman Fitting of his birthplace in Hollywood, California, Brother Wineman achieved celebrity status in Phi Kappa Psi by mentoring and challenging undergraduates to [...]

Defending the Defenders

DEFENDING THE DEFENDERS William B. Leahy Ohio State ’62 I am not a flag-waving, showy patriot, but make no mistake — I am a patriot. I am gratified that I did my duty, even at a time when soldiers [...]

Investing in the Future of Tomorrow’s Stars

INVESTING IN THE FUTURE OF TOMORROW'S STARS By HQ Staff For George Weir CWRU ’67, a chance encounter during a work trip has led to more than two decades of service to the Ghanaian community.Weir first visited the city of [...]

Together in Service

TOGETHER IN SERVICE HELPING SHAPE THE FUTURE OF PI PSI AT THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY By HQ Staff Phi Psi and Delta Gamma (DG) have a history of hosting social events together at the University of Kentucky. It was during [...]

Connecting Lives and Inspiring Change

RYAN PERRY'S LEGACY: CONNECTING LIVES AND INSPIRING CHANGE By HQ Staff “Ryan was a social enigma,” Greg Schoepp Loyola ’15 said. “He connected with people so fast.” Ryan Perry Loyola ’16 (Colorado ’14) began his Phi Psi journey at the University [...]

Unexpected Paths and Perseverance

UNEXPCTED PATHS AND PERSEVERANCE By Nicholas Steinhauser The Signal Life can play out in interesting ways. Many do not know where they will be 20 years from now. They may be doing things that they never imagined were possible. For [...]

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